Commercial Extermination & Pest Control for Polk County, Florida

Looking for a commercial pest control company dedicated to providing your business with the most effective, ongoing pest management solution available?

We are well known for solving and preventing pest related problems that others cannot.  We are a multi-faceted company that is equipped to resolve any pest control problems that you may have. You will find that our staff is well-versed in the most effective and cutting edge pest control methods in the industry.

We can also come to your business and perform a complete evaluation of your access points.  Then, we can work with you to prevent future invasion with the installation of pest control devices, traps and seals.

For residential pest control, click here.

Commercial Pest Control in Polk County, FL | Peninsular Exterminating Inc.

Call today to see how Peninsular Exterminating Inc. can help solve your pest problems for good!



Has your house or apartment been invaded by unsightly cockroach invaders? More than just a nuisance or eyesore, cockroaches carry a variety of bacteria on their bodies that is harmful to humans and are a cause of a number of diseases ranging from food poisoning to dysentery. We also are equipped to deal with German roaches.


Fleas are annoying and persistent pests that not only affect your family, but your furry family as well. Fleas can bite, aggravate, and cause illness if not dealt with promptly.


Spiders are predators that often enter your home through poorly screened windows and doors or by accidental hitchhiking through boxes or various outdoor items. No matter how clean or organized your house may be, spiders can be found in most households, due to their hardiness and ability to adapt.


Outdoors, special attention should be paid to lawns, shrubbery and crawl spaces under buildings of any size.  We treat these area thoroughly with products specially designed to kill ticks and to prevent infestations of fleas, ticks, ants and other pests.


As a social species, ants are found in colonies, meaning that when you have some in your home, you can expect more than what you see. We offer treatments for the following:

  • Big headed ants
  • Carpenter ants
  • Pharaoh ants
  • Fire ants
  • Argentine ants
  • Ghost ant


As bees are an important component to the ecosystem, it is always preferable to remove hives and have bees relocated to less populous areas, where they are in less contact with humans. However, should bee trapping prove impossible, we will dispatch bees using traditional extermination methods.


Are you tired of chasing those annoying house flies out of your house that always seem to sneak in during the spring and summertime? Well, put that fly swatter away and let us get rid of those pesky and annoying indoor flies.


From family papers to the clothes in your closets, we protect your home from silverfish damage with more than 44 years of industry experience. Our estimates are always free, so give our Peninsular Extermination staff a call today for more information about our complete line of services.